Gary Kent

Gary Kent

Broker Associate
Gary Kent Team Real Estate


8813 Villa La Jolla Drive #2001
La Jolla, CA. 92037

Work Phone: 858-457-KENT (5368)
Email: Email
Website: View Website


Gary has been #1 in San Diego County nine times for two major real estate firms. He and his team of professionals specialize in serving clients in America’s finest city, San Diego, California.

A licensed broker, Gary is a recognized authority on real estate. Appraisers, attorneys, tax advisors, and even other Realtors regularly seek his advice and he has been an expert court witness.

On average, Gary gets his clients 2% closer to asking price and sells two weeks faster than the local average. He is an expert at pricing, negotiating, digital marketing, and protecting clients from the pitfalls and legal liabilities involved in selling.